The Neonatal Follow-Up Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic for high-risk graduates of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The clinic is held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in the afternoon in the Pediatric Clinic on the second floor of the UF Health Medical Plaza (by appointment only). Neonatology Faculty, a neonatology fellow, and a clinic coordinator staff the clinic.
NICU graduates are referred to the High-Risk Infant Follow Up Clinic if they are born at 28 weeks or less completed gestation, discharged home on oxygen or monitors, have ongoing feeding or developmental concerns, or at the discretion of the attending neonatologist at the time of discharge. Patients on oxygen often have a study performed before their clinic appointment so that the clinic staff can make adjustments. After each clinic visit, providers communicate with the patients’ primary care physicians by written letter regarding findings and recommendations. Direct referrals for occupational or physical therapy may be made, medications adjusted, oxygen weaned, and monitors discontinued. The clinic is designed to serve as a bridge between the NICU and general pediatric care in our most fragile and complicated patients. For questions regarding the clinic, please call Neonatology at (352) 273-8985 or discuss it with your baby’s caretakers in the NICU prior to discharge.
The joint neonatology-neurology clinic provides all infants that have experienced neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) with valuable follow-up care. The clinic is run by UF faculty members Dr. Michael Weiss (Neonatology), Dr. Juan Roig (Neonatology), and Dr. Brandon Zielinski (Pediatric Neurology) who specialize in HIE. Drs. Weiss and Zielinski track the physical and intellectual neurodevelopment of HIE patients for up to 2 years with the help of Pediatric Rehabilitation staff trained in the Bayley Infant Scales of Development. The team also assesses comprehensive medical needs including nutrition, medications, and psychosocial needs. For the families who attend the HIE clinic, and for those that would like additional information on HIE, see The Florida Neonatal Neurologic Network (FN3) website.
Early Developmental Assessment Clinic (EDAC) is held weekly and provides developmental follow-up for high-risk infants with extreme prematurity, HIE, cerebral or intraventricular hemorrhage, neonatal stroke, epilepsy, congenital heart disease, history of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, neurologic malformation, or trauma. To learn more about EDAC, please visit their website.