Neuroradiology Conference
Multi-disciplinary teaching conference (Pediatric Radiology, Neuroradiology, Neurology and Neonatology) where the results of all neuroimaging performed on patients in the NICU during the previous week are reviewed and discussed with clinical neonatology team.
Pediatric Fellow’s Research Conference
Second and third year fellows from all pediatric subspecialties present the results and progress of their research once annually to the Department.
Pediatric Grand Rounds
This series features nationally-recognized speakers that provide presentations to help improve patient care through professional education.
Neonatal-Perinatal Conference
Residents, fellows, and faculty from Obstetrics, Neonatology, Maternal-Fetal-Medicine, and Anesthesia discuss important upcoming high-risk deliveries and share feedback/updates on recently delivered patients.
Neonatal Grand Rounds
Interactive didactic sessions taught by faculty recognized for their teaching excellence as part of 2-year continually-updated structured review of Neonatal-Perinatal Physiology and Pathophysiology.
NICU Patient Care Conference
Fellows present interesting and/or challenging cases of patients currently in the NICU for discussion and input.
Division Chief’s Whiteboard Rounds
Fellows meet with the Division Chief to discuss a clinical case on the white board beginning with presenting signs. This small, highly interactive conference facilitates the development and justification of a reasoned differential diagnosis as well as discussion of a variety of diagnostic and management strategies for the condition.
Nutrition Conference for the Complex Patient
Fellows present complex nutrition-oriented cases to faculty from Neonatology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Surgery, Nutrition, Pharmacy, and Nursing leadership with the goal to arrive at an informed multi-disciplinary plan that maximizes growth and development for our most challenging patients.
Physiology/ Pathophysiology Reading Club
Fellows undergo a pathophysiology/physiology reading club on 1-2 chapters of mainline neonatology textbooks
Fetal Echocardiography Conference
This is a multi-disciplinary forum (Faculty and Fellows from Maternal-Fetal-Medicine, Neonatology, Cardiology, and the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit) to discuss antenatal, delivery, and post-natal management of patients with prenatally-diagnosed congenital heart disease.
Evidence-Based Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Journal Club
Fellows present a critical review of an article of interest to Neonatology Division Faculty and Staff. In addition to the opportunity to potentially improve and update clinical care pathways, this meeting targets understanding of methods (study design and statistics), results, implications, and limitations of the work. High-impact randomized controlled trials in neonates published since 2017 are linked below.
Neonatal Fellow’s Research Seminar
Fellows present their research to the Faculty and Staff in the Neonatology Division twice annually.
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine-Neonatology Joint Journal Club
Maternal-Fetal-Medicine and Neonatal fellows present studies of interest for discussion. This conference is usually held at a faculty member’s home.
Pediatric Surgery – Neonatology joint journal club
Every 2nd Tues 7:30am
Pediatric Surgery and Neonatal fellows present studies of interest for discussion.
Neonatal Simulation Curriculum
Monthly 2-hour simulations sessions taught by faculty trained in simulation theory as part of a 2-year continually-updated structured curriculum targeting common and complex neonatal cases, as well as procedural skills. These are held at the state-of-the-art UF Center for Experiential Learning and Simulation (CELS).
Landmark Articles Journal Club
Every fourth Tuesday of the Month, fellows will lead a 10-minute informal presentation on 2 landmark scientific articles in the field.
Quarterly or Yearly
Morbidity & Mortality Conference
Fellows present recent cases for discussion and review of autopsy or other anatomic studies with pediatric pathologists.
Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research
This course, offered by the UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute, is required for all pediatric fellows. It is a highly interactive series of 11 sessions led by leading faculty in the UF Health Science Center. It includes basic elements of study design, database design and management, health center resources, regulatory issues, and biostatistical considerations. The course also includes practical, interactive small-group sessions to develop an interdisciplinary protocol.
Fellow’s Annual Retreat
Fellows meet each fall with a UF GME Medical Educator in a forum to identify new challenges and opportunities to improve the training program. Once potential areas for improvement have been identified, fellows actively contribute to positive change through participation in a subsequent local day retreat with a GME representative and program leadership. The impacts of the interventions on the challenges of interest are reassessed at the following year’s retreat to ensure the program is continually improving.
Annual Pediatrics Science Day
Students, post-docs, residents, fellows, or junior faculty in the Department of Pediatrics present their research to their colleagues and obtain scientific feed-back in a friendly environment.
New Fellow Boot Camp
A smooth transition from the role of resident to fellow is facilitated via a focused first month where incoming fellows receive didactic teaching of high yield subjects as well as orientation on the clinical teams through a combination of hands-on experience and shadowing a second or third year fellow. Lecture topics include: Expectations of a neonatal fellow; Radiograph interpretation (Normal, Lines, Tubes, Devices, Emergencies); Ventilators and Blood gases; High frequency Ventilation; Nitric Oxide; ECMO on call; Therapeutic hypothermia; How to set up and use bedside equipment (IV/feeding pumps, ventilators, HFNC, aEEG, NIRS); Patient simulation and procedure labs; and Mock clinical scenarios (prenatal counseling, transport call, delivery room resuscitation, code).